After a four year hiatus from micro-press publishing, Greensleeve Editions launched the inaugural issue of Splurge, edited by Devin McCawley -- a zine which decodes and defaces the ostentation of contemporary consumer culture: by any means necessary -- at Edmonton's Black Dog Freehouse (10425 - 82 Avenue) on Sunday, April 13th, 2008. Payment for the zine was in the form of charitable donations (see earlier posts for more info). Besides the Black Dog donating their space for the event, the following bands also donated their own excellent performances to the cause: TEAM BUILDING, HEADBAND, and THE BLAZING VIOLETS. Big Rock Brewery also donated a dollar from every Big Rock sold during the launch to our chosen charitable recipient for the event: Edmonton Street News. A very big thank you to everyone who donated their time, energies, and cash to make this launch a success, both up front and behind the scenes (you know who you are...wink, wink) and to all those who came out to the release party. An especially big thank you goes to the owner and management of the Black Dog Freehouse, Big Rock Brewery (for their forward thinking), and to the bands -- without your participation, there wouldn't have been any event.
For those of you who didn't, or couldn't, make it to the launch, free copies of Splurge are now available for download as pdf files.
Remember to support your local food bank, homeless shelter societies, and youth shelters.
We are our brother's keepers.